Inverse Cramer Index
A quantitative portfolio that inverses CNBC's Jim Cramer's stock recommendations
*Vertical reference line denotes the end of simulated backtest data and the start of live performance data.
** Performance data is calculated using the average returns of all accounts with more than $100 invested in this strategy.
Fund Holdings
Fund details
Risk score
Max draw down (of range)
Daily Sharpe (of range)
Daily Volatility (of range)
Monthly Volatility (of range)
Correlation to S&P (total)
Note: this model has been discontinued for new Quantbase clients. For older ones, it has been invested into the SJIM ETF. Clients are not charged a partner for investments into this model
Key Considerations
This fund was co-created with @CramerTracker, a prominent anti-Cramer social media advocate/personality.
Cramer's strongest sell picks have historically underperformed his tier 2 sell picks - this portfolio is largely built from the latter.
We give the "Inverse Cramer" phenomenon additional treatment in our research insights, where we discuss our findings in greater detail.
This portfolio contains no size constraints, and may select mid- and small-cap stocks sometimes. However, due to the nature of Cramer's show and its large viewership, we have found that he refrains from talking about companies with an especially small cap, due to concerns with market movement.
This is an inverse Jim Cramer Index. Although built in an optimized fashion to minimize the risk taken on as an investor, it is still based on very unique, potentially erratic underlying data.